With a highly qualified team, we provide our customers with comprehensive and personal support.

The success of our customers is at the center of everything we do. Our customer relationships are based on mutual trust and are geared towards sustainability and the long term.


Horst Mantay – German Public Auditor, Tax Adviser

Horst Mantay looks back on almost 30 years of professional experience as an auditor and tax consultant, among others at KPMG and RölfsPartner (Baker Tilly).

  • In 2001 he founded MSW. Horst Mantay has since developed MSW into a company specializing in auditing and advising small and mid caps with a focus on the capital market.
  • Advice to Capital Market oriented Companies / IPOs
  • Company Valuation/Due Diligence
  • Audit of Annual Financial Statements/Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Reorganization/Restructuring


Dr. Mathias Thiere – Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater

Herr Dr. Thiere verantwortet als COO der MSW die Unternehmensbereiche „Wirtschaftsprüfung“ und „Qualität“.

Most recently, Dr. Thiere spent 12 years at KPMG, where he was responsible for auditing and advising listed companies but also worked for several years in the department of professional practice (DPP).

Dr. Thiere has a teaching assignment for "International Financial Reporting (IFRS)" at the Brandenburg University of Technology in Brandenburg an der Havel.

  • Audit of Annual Financial Statements/Consolidated Ffinancial Statements according to HGB and IFRS
  • International financial reporting (IFRS)
  • Valuation of Corporations
  • Financial Due Diligence


Christine Hammerschmidt - Certified Public Accountant, Tax Adviser

Ms. Hammerschmidt joined MSW's tax consulting department in 2018 as a senior manager.

Previously, she worked as a managing director in a tax consulting firm from 1999 to 2018.

  • Ongoing tax advice and tax declaration
  • Preparation of financial statements (mainly of corporations)
  • Consolidation of Individual Financial Statements
  • Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements According to Commercial Law.
  • Tax Structuring Advice
  • Financial accounting and preparation of annual financial statements


Sabine Kuhrig

Ms. Kuhrig has been employed as a manager in MSW's audit department since July 2018. Ms. Kuhrig's professional career is as follows:

  • 2014 – 2018 Manager in two medium-sized auditing companies.
  • 2011 – 2013 Interim manager (deputy head of department) in the accounting and regulatory reporting department of a bank
  • 2007 – 2011 KPMG AG, Berlin, Manager in the Accounting Advisory Services department
  • 2000 – 2006 Ernst & Young AG, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, from 2003 Manager, previously Senior Associate Audit Financial Services

Prior to that, after completing her professional training, she worked in the internal audit department of a bank and as a senior accountant in the area of group accounting. She also gained initial auditing experience as an audit assistant.

  • Audit of Annual Financial Statements/Consolidated Financial Statements (HGB and IFRS)
  • Accounting Advisory International Financial Reporting (IFRS) incl. Preparation of Financial Statements
  • Quality Assurance


Karolina Pauk 

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Master in European Studies (M.A.)

Ms. Pauk has been employed as manager in the audit department of MSW Auditing Company since October 2020. Most recently, she worked for KPMG AG Auditing Company since November 2013 in the following positions and areas.

  • 2016 – 2020 Assistant Manager, Audit Corporate
  • 2014 – 2016 Senior Associate, Audit Corporate
  • 2013 – 2014 Associate, Center of Competence Datenanalyse

Prior to that, she worked in the finance department of a medium-sized company in the renewable energy sector during her studies from 2010 - 2013.

  • Audits of Annual Financial Statements/Consolidated Financial Statements according to the German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS
  • International financial reporting (IFRS)
  • Valuation of Corporations
  • Financial Due Diligence


Stefanie Beier - Management Assistant

Ms. Beier has been the executive assistant of MSW since its foundation in 2001.

  • From 1996 to 1998, she was a team assistant in the secretariat of the Berlin branch manager of RölfsPartner Group (Baker-Tilly).
  • In 1998 she was appointed head of this secretariat.
  • Responsible for administrative tasks,    
  • communication with clients,
  • Team coordination and planning 


Katharina Waldow

Katharina Waldow verstärkt seit 1. März 2023 als Teamassistenz das Sekretariat der MSW.

Most recently, she worked in the commercial and administrative area at KIJU Ferienservice GmbH and at Physiopark GmbH as an assistant to the management.

  • Support of the team in administrative and organizational areas of the BackOffice

  • Reception and support of business customers


Lisa Ziemann – Steuerassistentin

Frau Ziemann ist seit Juni 2024 als Managerin in der Steuerabteilung bei der MSW beschäftigt.

Nach Abschluss ihrer Ausbildung zur Steuerfachangestellten am OSZ Lotis in Berlin im Jahr 2013 ergänzte sie ihre berufliche Qualifikation durch ein Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Steuern und Prüfungswesen an der HWR Berlin.

Dieses schloss sie im Jahr 2016 mit dem Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) ab.

Im Anschluss an das Studium legte sie die Ausbildereignungsprüfung nach AEVO ab.

Frau Ziemann war in der Vergangenheit für Steuerberatungskanzleien verschiedener Größe tätig.

  • Unternehmenssteuerrecht
  • Privates Steuerrecht
  • Preparation of Annual Financial Statements and Tax Declarations
  • Einrichtung und Optimierung digitaler Finanzbuchführung
  • Prozessberatung/Qualitätsmanagement
  • Ausbildung
  • Beratung englischsprachiger Mandate


Olaf Ziemann – Diplom-Finanzwirt (FH) und Steuerberater

Herr Ziemann ist seit Juni 2024 als Senior Manager in der Steuerabteilung bei der MSW beschäftigt.

Nach Abschluss seines Studiums des Steuerrechts an der Fachhochschule für Finanzen in Königs Wusterhausen im Jahr 2007 war Herr Ziemann fünf Jahre bei PricewaterhouseCoopers AG WPG in Berlin im Bereich Real Estate Tax tätig.
Sein Steuerberaterexamen legte er im Jahr 2012 erfolgreich ab.

Von 2013 bis 2019 arbeitete Herr Ziemann in eigener Kanzlei als selbstständiger Steuerberater in Berlin, woraufhin er sich entschloss, sein berufliches Leben als angestellter Steuerberater fortzuführen.

  • Unternehmenssteuerrecht
  • Privates Steuerrecht
  • Tax Planning/Optimization
  • Value added tax
  • Personengesellschaften
  • Preparation of Annual Financial Statements and Tax Declarations
  • Begleitung von Außenprüfungen und Rechtsbehelfsverfahren
  • Beratung englischsprachiger Mandate